FOM-634 Irina Rm vs Evgenia L
This is a very good BSA extreme fight between two tough fighters from our past. Irina is the more experienced fighter while Evgenia is younger and bigger and perhaps even stronger. There’s lots of kicking and boxing in this fight but there’s also some hard punching while they’re wrestling on the floor, and there’s some hair pulling and there are strong scissors, too. Both women are determined to win this fight and although there are bloody noses and although there are also painful punches and perfect holds they’re both fighting to the finish and there is a clear winner! If you like hard kicking and tough boxing in a very good extreme fight between a blonde and a redhead then you’re definitely going to love this match.
Additional information
Duration | 22 minutes |
Video format / quality | MP4 768×576 50fps (H.264) |
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