FOM-243 Topless MMA
Ira P vs Maryna M
Fight of the Month # 243
Ira P. (25), Maryna M. (24)
Ira and Maryna visited DWW and of course it would have been a waste of time if they wouldn’t have performed one of their specialities: a topless extreme fight. See them preparing, warming up, in their pauses and after their fight as well as their exciting fight. It is a pretty short fight but incredibly intense with both women leaving their visible marks on their opponent, including a bloody nose. If you like kicking and boxing and fighting at once plus two beautiful women who do this at perfection, then don’t miss it: this is a unique opportunity to watch a topless MMA fight !
Video preview quality is lower than actual download
Additional information
Duration | 21 minutes |
Video format / quality | MP4 768×576 50fps (H.264) |
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