DWW-A2002-MAT-19 Semi-Tag Team Wrestling
Tiffany vs Grace Fatou


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An undedited video from the mat matches of the DWW Summer Event 2002, for the real f/f wrestling fan. Some of the best wrestlers from all over the world participated in this event and many of these exciting matches are international. All matches are competitive and topless on the mat.
This is a “semi tag-team” match: Tiffany (Czech Republic) has to fight the team formed by Grace (USA) and Fatou (France). The match is alaways 1 vs 1, but the team formed by Grace and Fatou will change fighter after each point scored.
Tiffany looks like a giant compared to her opponents, standing at least one head taller than Grace and Fatou. But she has to fight continuosly putting her stamina on the line, with her fresher opponents taking turns on the mat.

Tiffany, Grace, Fatou

Additional information

Duration 22 minutes
Video format / quality

MP4 1440×1080 50fps (H.264)

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